At the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) exhibition in Barcelona, from January 31 to February 3 at booth 6G800, Nexmosphere will be there with our imaginArt sales team to help you with the sensor needs of your project. This brand, of which we are official distributors in Spain and Portugal, has all kinds of activation sensors. Visit us there, as we would love to help you to get the best performance from your digital signage systems.
This type of sensors take the management of screens to another level, customizing to the maximum the contents displayed on them. Here is an example:
“Show the right content at the right time”: Example of presence activation.
Nexmosphere’s XY-200 and AirButton series presence sensors based on ToF (Time of Flight) technology offer diverse implementation possibilities and allow to turn any digital display into an attractive experience. Highly accurate distance calculation and long ranges are available; these sensors measure up to 250 cm from their installation location. Add a customizable 27° field of view and the possibility of side-by-side installation.
In a retail example: we connect three XY-241 Presence & AirButton sensors to this display. We designate one sensor per product and they are installed horizontally along a front acrylic bar.

The sensor detects the approaching person and the distance at which he/she is located. Taking full advantage of the ToF principles, the sensor offers the possibility to activate different contents according to different distances.
In this example, we switch from looping content to product-specific content when someone stands in front of that item. This action is very interesting as it does not require any intentional behavior on the part of the audience.
Data collection
Using the Xperience controller, in addition to controlling the actions of sensors and displays, data processing functions can also be used. Managing such data from which products generate the most interest, dwell time, times of day and months of the year with the best performance, as well as from different store locations, allows for continuous improvement of digital signage installations.

You can contact us at any time to resolve any questions at the following link: